Mobile App Developer (iOS and Android)

  • Job typeJob type: Onsite
  • Job DurationMore than 06 months
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired
  • //

Project detail

Freelance Mobile App Developer (iOS and Android)

Project Overview:
We are a prominent property developer seeking an experienced freelance mobile app developer to create a cutting-edge iOS and Android application. The app will serve as a valuable tool for our clients, providing them with convenient access to our property listings, project updates, virtual tours, and other key information. We are looking for a skilled developer who can bring our vision to life and deliver a high-quality, user-friendly mobile app that reflects our brand’s excellence.


  • App Development: Design and develop a feature-rich mobile application for iOS and Android platforms that meets our specifications and requirements.
  • Technical Implementation: Utilize your expertise in mobile app development frameworks and programming languages (e.g., Swift for iOS, Kotlin/Java for Android) to build robust and scalable solutions.
  • User Interface (UI) Design: Collaborate with our design team to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.
  • Integration of Features: Implement key features such as property listings, search functionality, virtual tours, interactive maps, push notifications, and user authentication.
  • Backend Integration: Integrate with backend systems, APIs, and databases to retrieve and update property data, project information, and user profiles as needed.
  • Quality Assurance: Conduct thorough testing and debugging to ensure the app functions correctly across different devices, screen sizes, and operating systems.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimize app performance, responsiveness, and loading times to deliver a seamless user experience.
  • Security and Compliance: Implement best practices for data security, privacy protection, and regulatory compliance (e.g., GDPR) to safeguard user information.
  • Documentation: Prepare comprehensive documentation, including technical specifications, user guides, and release notes, to support ongoing maintenance and updates.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Maintain open communication with our project team, provide regular progress updates, and respond promptly to feedback and inquiries.

Main Requirements:

  • Proven experience as a mobile app developer, with a strong portfolio of iOS and Android apps developed for clients or personal projects.
  • Proficiency in mobile app development languages and frameworks, including Swift (iOS) and Kotlin/Java (Android).
  • Experience with mobile app UI/UX design principles and tools (e.g., Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma) to create visually appealing interfaces.
  • Familiarity with backend development concepts and technologies, such as RESTful APIs, JSON/XML parsing, and database management systems (e.g., Firebase, MySQL).
  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail, with the ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues independently.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a remote team environment.
  • Knowledge of best practices for mobile app security, performance optimization, and compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Availability to dedicate sufficient time and effort to meet project milestones and deadlines.

Contact us for more details.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project

Project Completion deadline

April 30, 2020